Mobile matters. With more mobile devices on earth than people, and more people using mobile to access the Internet than a computer, it’s a platform that cannot be ignored. Moreover, it allows potential customers to find you, right when they are near you. If you are not taking advantage of the gift of having customers practically delivered to your door, with a credible mobile web presence buoyed by good reviews, you are missing out on an essential source of potential revenue.
A staggering 81% of smartphone users access the Internet on their mobile devices. Ninety-five percent of users look for local information*
No matter where you go, you’ll find people looking at their smartphones. Often, they are searching for something they need, something they hope is close by. People search for restaurants, stores and services of all types all the time and will only seriously consider the first few search results they receive.
Top results will be local businesses with good, plentiful ratings and reviews. But Google also takes the user experience on the business’s website into consideration when establishing search rank. Its algorithm also favors businesses with a credible web presence, meaning relevant, well-crafted content. Google recently sent around warnings to websites that are not optimized for mobile and is now, under their newest algorithm, punishing websites that are not mobile ready.
So now that you know your customers are bound to find you via a mobile device, it’s up to you to make that experience as easy for them as possible–to take away any barrier for them to connect with and trust you. One way is with an easy-to-use website that’s optimized for mobile.
According to a BrightLocal business survey, 36% of respondents say that a clear and smart website gives a local business more credibility and 32% of consumers are more likely to contact a local business if they have a website.**But having a website is only the first step. In 2015, you really must have a mobile-friendly, responsive website, one that is not only functional on a mobile device, but makes the most of that interface.
In our research, we were shocked to find out how many restaurants and small businesses did not have a website, or if they did it was outdated and not mobile friendly. Because of this, we developed “MaxSite” a service that provides a small, responsive website dynamically built with content from a client’s portal account. It’s meant to be a basic site for those who have no web presence or mobile strategy. Further, it incorporates your great reviews.
Conventional advertising wisdom has always been to find your customers where they are. In 2015, they are on their mobile device. With a solid and responsive web presence — bolstered by good reviews and ratings — you can rise to the top of any potential customer’s consideration set and convert their web search into a sale. RatingsMax can show you how.
*Google Mobile Movement Study, 2011
**BrightLocal Local business website survey, January 2014